Thursday, June 6, 2024

Harrison On Dubois-Joshua And Wilder's Future

Press Release: June 6, 2024 By - recently interviewed former Olympic Gold medalist and former Heavyweight contender Audley Harrison where he shared his thoughts on a potential bout between Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois as well as gave his opinion as to what former World Heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder should do following his recent loss.

Audley Harrison

Daniel Dubois Will Get Caught By AJ If He Doesn’t Take My Advice

Audley Harrison: “Dubois needs a finisher. That’s the kind of trainer I am, I can see straight away what somebody is doing wrong. I know if I had him in the gym, the stuff I’d have him doing would clean him up. I can see what he needs just to finish him off and it would help him against somebody like Joshua. Even Joshua, I can watch him and see what he needs to complete his style.”

“There’s a few things he’s going to have to clean up to go through Joshua. I’m very technical. Defensively his hands have got to come up just a little bit more. He wants to roll his shoulders. He needs to keep his hands higher. If AJ throws quick punches, he’s going to get caught. His shoulders want to be a bit looser and just come up a little, so that he can ride the shots a little better.”

Deontay Wilder Should Quit Now – He Has Nothing To Prove

Audley Harrison: “There’s nothing more for him to achieve. He moved to Malik (Scott) but they’re not going to be able to change his style. His style is to go forward and you can’t learn to fight on the backfoot. He’s an Olympic Bronze Medalist, he’s been a World Champion. He changed his life around, financially for his daughter. Technically he didn’t finesse it, but he defended his world title many times and changed his life. He should walk away with his head held high.”

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